Sept.- Dec. 2024

 PO Box 636

Frostproof, Fl 33843


 Dr. Scott Hester


September-December 2024         

 Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

 These are busy days in the work and we are grateful to report the following……




In July, we hosted a mission team from Lighthouse Baptist Church in Valdosta, Ga to conduct a youth camp at the campus of the Baptist Bible College of the Caribbean on the Island of St Vincent.

 We are grateful for all the decisions that were made at camp and the wonderful job the mission team did while they were on St Vincent. We praise the Lord for 8 receiving Christ as their Saviour and many decisions for surrender and consecration

in the lives of the young people. Please pray for the young people on the Caribbean Islands.



There have been several shipments of goods during this quarter to the Caribbean Islands. These are needs that the churches or pastor’s have and we are blessed to be able to help them. Everything from supplies to car parts, there is never a lack of need. We are grateful the Lord supplies the needs. In II Corinthians 8:14 we find these words, “But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality:”

The truth is that while the Lord uses ROC to help supply some of the needs by giving, it fulfills our wants, that is, to be a blessing. We are just a channel that God uses to meet needs along the way.


We are currently working on a shipment of chairs with Faith Missionary Baptist Church on the Island of Antigua, Pastor Pete Charles. The church is raising money for the chairs and ROC has committed to paying half of the total amount needed. So far, over the last year, the church on Antigua has raised $2550. The total cost for the 100- chair project is $7911.93 which includes shipping to the Island. If you would like to contribute to this project, please send any gift to our ministry headquarters earmarked “chairs”. The cost of chairs and shipping has almost doubled in the last 5 years.


 I have the privilege of serving on the board of directors of the college on St Vincent. The board is working on reopening the college in the fall of 2025. We are praying for several things and ask that you would partner in prayer with us concerning the following:

                       1-The placing of a college president.

                           2-To complete the remodeling of buildings and property.

  3-To call young men and women in the Caribbean to

                                  prepare for the ministry.

                           4-Wisdom for the board moving forward.

 Please visit the college website at

                                        for more information

and contact me if you are interested in helping financially or if you are interested in forming a work team that can travel to St Vincent to assist in remodeling and upgrades. Your part will help to train Caribbean men and women to serve the Lord in the generations to come.




 Zimbabwe Ministries for Christ includes three churches, a school, an orphanage, and a 125- acre farm called Gideons Shamba. Many have asked about the connection between Zimbabwe, Africa and the Caribbean region. I would encourage you to visit the Operation ROC website and click on the drop down for Zimbabwe Ministries for Christ and read the story.


As of this writing, we are preparing to return to Zimbabwe and covet your prayers for safety and leadership as the farm board meets with the workers and leaders on the ground to continue to advance the farm. Our prayer is that the farm would be self-sustaining, profitable, and will also help to supply the needs for the school, orphanage and churches. To do this, crops are being grown as well as the raising of chickens. We are grateful how the Lord has worked in this area.

 As of this prayer letter two wells have been dug to supply water to the farm during the dry season. Many have contributed to this effort for which we are thankful and give God the glory.

 The reports that we are receiving from the churches have been a blessing and God continues to save the lost and draw His children closer to Him.

Pastor Jason Francis and Pastor Friday Njovu are being used by God in a mighty way to reach their respective cities with the gospel. We are also grateful for the church on the farm as well, which is in a very remote area and new areas that have never been reached before. Please continue to pray for the work in Zimbabwe, Africa.



We do covet your prayers for our fall preaching and travel schedule

presenting the work and sharing our burden for the Caribbean:


   Grace Baptist- LaGrange, Ky

Grace Bible Church- Marondera, Zimbabwe, Africa

Grace Bible Church- Kadoma, Zimbabwe, Africa

Gideons Shamba- church on the farm- Zimbabwe, Africa

Faith Mission Music- Evansville, Indiana

Franklin Road Baptist- Murfreesboro, Tn

Mama Cannes Baptist- Grenada, West Indies

Independent Baptist- Sebring, Fl

Highlands Baptist- Lake Placid, Fl

Maranatha Baptist- Wauchula, Fl

Heritage Baptist- Arcadia, Fl

Salisbury Baptist Temple-Salisbury, Maryland   

Marathon Baptist- Marathon, Fl

Landmark Baptist College, Haines City, Fl

 Finally, words cannot express how grateful we are for our prayer partners and faithful supporters for the work which God has entrusted to us. Only eternity will reveal the full impact of your prayers and faithful giving. Thank you for all you do.


Scott and Patty Hester


I Cor. 15:58- Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.














